A Father’s Advice.

A Father’s Advice.

My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honour around your neck. Proverbs 1:8 – 9 NLT

As we prepare to celebrate Fathers’ day in a few days, Floodlightdaily.com asked some of its readers to share the best advice their father gave them. Hope you enjoy the read and pick a thing or two.

Nathan – My dad was one strict dad and he would not take any nonsense. He told us to always put our hands behind our backs whenever we are talking to an adult. He also said whenever you go out with friends never leave your food or drink unattended. Never put your trust in any person apart from God. He also said always try to acquire knowledge and wisdom for what you learn will always stay with you even when you lose all your certificates through fire or flood. No one can take away what is in your head.

Anonymous reader – Growing up, my father had a note of caution for almost everything we did and these are cautions I have passed on to my children. For example, my dad would caution us on how to hold a knife when not in use. He would also tell us to take the pot off the fire when not in use to avoid household fires. Some years ago, I was appointed as a contractor for a company I had worked for. My dad advised me “when they ask you how much you want to charge for these services, ask them how much they want to pay”. I later discovered that this company has rates that they operated by! It’s been seven years and I am still working for this company.

Christie – My late dad whom I affectionately called Mr. D taught me some time-tested phenomenal lessons in life. He said a life well lived for God is one without regrets. He also advised that in order to have the best of any day start the day with God. He said that one of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God. He said “a family that prays together, stays together.

Nana – My dad is my friend and companion from whom I am consistently learning from.

Afua – My father always told me “As a girl, don’t just fall asleep, whether it is during the day or night. Close the doors and make sure the place, is secure whether it is at home, at a hotel, wherever.”

Bella – My father taught me the value of being truthful, which has helped me a lot in life.

E. D. Kemevor – “Love, love, love…Show me love while I am alive and don’t wait till I am dead”. “Education is key to success and learning never ends so continue to lean and read”.

Ezekiel – When i decided to start my own company 20 years ago, my father shared these words with me. ” Stay focused and pursue one thing at a time. Sharpen your skills at any given opportunity. Ignore those who don’t believe in you achieving your dreams. Whatever you want to do, seek knowledge and get mentorship training. Make sure that you do not have more zeal than knowledge else you would waste your strength. Respect people, anytime you have an opportunity to work for them. Continue to hold on to your faith in the Lord which is the foundation for everything you seek to achieve. Try again when you fail until you pass the lessons of life”. Finally, he always said, “it is possible and very well don’t give up”.

Gloria – My father gave me loads of advice and it is hard to pin down which one is the best for me. However, I would choose these two. One is to speak the truth and to speak my mind in truth courageously……He also said That God in His wisdom put seeds in fruits. And it’s not for nothing. When you receive money there is the seed part to  sow back into tomorrow, no matter how little.

Emmanuel – my father was a very generous man and he liked to give though he didn’t have much. I learnt how to give from my dad and it has been a big blessing to me.

Akua –My dad always says “as a Christian, whatever happens in life, whether good or bad is for a reason. For God will always beautify our lives using these happenings”.

Steve – ” Redeem the time! Time lost can never be regained”. My dad would often drum these words down, especially regarding my studies, and I really appreciate it now.

Afia –  Once after a major failure in life, my dad said to me “everyone needs a failure in life to learn some lessons from. It may happen sooner or later. When you fail make sure that you learn the lessons from that event”.

Isaac Newton said if we have come far, it’s because we have stood on the shoulders of giants .  Some of us are grateful to our natural fathers and other fathers who mentored us along life’s way. As we prepare to celebrate Fathers’ day find a reason to thank God for your father.  And if you grew up with a father who loved you and mentored you, be grateful to God for that. Remember God is our Father in heaven whom we can always go to. 

Feel free to leave a comment in the ‘comments section’ below and share with us the best advice your father gave you. Cheers and blessings.

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Comments (12)

  • Kofi Reply

    My dad taught me to be responsible. My adviced me never to beat or lay hands on my sisters or any girl or woman. And he made me learn it the hard way.

    June 17, 2020 at 7:29 am
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      Sue Afutu Reply

      That’s wonderful

      June 17, 2020 at 8:00 am
  • Sam Okang-Boye Reply

    We celebrate fathers. They make life meaningful.

    June 17, 2020 at 8:44 am
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      Sue Afutu Reply

      Indeed they do. We are grateful for their contribution.

      June 17, 2020 at 10:40 am
      • Wisdom Willittee Dogbey Reply


        June 17, 2020 at 12:12 pm
      • Priscee Reply

        I celebrate a strict and amazing Dad whose training I have appreciated so much in my adult life. Laziness was never a companion at home and I love what I have become. I celebrate an uncle also. His fatherly advice put me on the path of Nursing. He was the one whose qualities I looked for in my choice of a husband. I am very grateful for these 2 fathers in my life.

        June 19, 2021 at 7:53 am
  • Anna Jezreel Reply

    Thanks Sue, I have learnt a lot from the wonderful memories shared here. My Dad is all about education. He directed my educational path so well and today , I am a lawyer and loving it. Thanks to all amazing Dads.

    June 17, 2020 at 12:43 pm
  • Gloria Clarissa Dzeha Reply

    We indeed celebrate fathers.
    Dad I miss you.
    It’s sad to have buried you a day before.
    God bless you Daddy

    June 17, 2020 at 5:32 pm
  • Eunice Reply

    I celebrate fathers , it’s hard to come by fathers. Loads of love..

    June 20, 2020 at 5:10 pm
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      Sue Afutu Reply

      True Eunice

      June 20, 2020 at 6:29 pm
  • Mirabel Reply

    Wow, I enjoyed these. Thanks for sharing everyone. I just remember how my father loved me and wanted to do his best for me. God bless our biological and spiritual fathers.

    July 1, 2020 at 11:12 am
  • Wisdom Willittee Dogbey Reply


    June 19, 2021 at 11:51 am

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