Author - Sue Afutu

Encouragement from Scripture

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4 NKJV Link to audio. I hang up on the call and sighed. It was the umpteenth time I was having a discussion with this friend on a particular part of the Bible...

Secrets to the Man God Uses: the lives of Dr. Fredrick Price, Dr. Yonggi Cho and Marcus Lamb in Focus

Link to audio. Last week Sunday, a friend invited me to speak to a group of university students on the theme " The Man God Uses". This invitation took me on a trip down memory lane to the year 2008. I was almost done with my undergraduate degree and I attended a national conference of Baptist...

Raising Children into Men

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Link to audio. Luke 2:52 NKJV As we celebrate International day for Men and Children, we turn our thoughts to this question. What benchmarks exist for raising children into men? We examine the life of Jesus to glean some insights. Jesus the child In Luke 2...

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4 Temperaments & their Characteristics

Husbands and wives are basically incompatible. Parents are incompatible with their children. God made us all different. That is why the home is God's classroom to shape us into mature people - Catherine Marshall author of Meeting God at Every Turn. In this video you would discover the four major temperaments, their strengths and weaknesses and...