Christian living

This genre contains articles on general Christian living

Hallmarks of Effective Leadership I

All over the world today, there’s a call for effective leadership. Nations are crying for leaders who would lead them out of the crisis created by COVID 19.There is a direct link between effective leadership and the growth of any organization. A leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, has described this as the law of the...

Do you excel in goodness?

For he was a good man, full of the Spirit and of faith Acts 11:24 Barnabas was one of the leaders whom God used in establishing the early church in Asia. He was willing to give Paul a chance after Paul's conversion to Christianity at a time when other believers were skeptical. I think the description...

Are you Looking for Profit?

“I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit and who leads you in the way you should go”. Isaiah 48:17. Almost 2 decades ago after I finished senior high school, I saw an advertisement in the newspapers of an organization that trained people to be freelance writers. I decided to get enrolled in...

True Humility

What is true humility?Is it to walk with drooping shoulders and a head downcast?Or to wear shabby clothes when you can afford better?In the Bible God saysTo humble ourselves, to pray and to turn from our wicked ways so He'll heal our landBut what is the humility God requires of us?The Jews tore their clothes...

Leadership 101 – Managing Emotions

Leadership is perhaps one of the toughest jobs a person may have to do. This is because leaders are required to keep their heads when all around them people are losing theirs. We all lead in various ways - parents lead their children or their households at home, older siblings lead younger ones, managers lead subordinates...

He’s Already Provided.

Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the lad a drink. Genesis 21:19 NKJV Hagar, Sarah's maidservant, was driven out of her mistress’ house together with her son Ishmael. This was because, her son Ishmael was ridiculing Isaac and this...

What Has Race Got To Do With It?

Oxford languages has defined racism as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or is marginalized. Racism has also been defined as the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities,...

It’s All in There II

In the first part of this topic, we considered the fact that the covenant we have in Christ as believers was not only for our salvation but also for our healing. In this article, we would be looking at the subject of prosperity and what the new covenant in Christ has to say about prosperity. The...