Creative Corner

It is finished

Click here to listen to an audio of this poem It was a dreary situation.Mankind was chargedwith the sin of Adam and Eve.The sin of disobedience,which has left the devil gloating ever since. God's heart was heavythat his creation had fallen.In heaven, it was asked, who would go for them? Jesus responded that He would.So to the earth,...

True Humility

What is true humility?Is it to walk with drooping shoulders and a head downcast?Or to wear shabby clothes when you can afford better?In the Bible God saysTo humble ourselves, to pray and to turn from our wicked ways so He'll heal our landBut what is the humility God requires of us?The Jews tore their clothes...

Money, Fame and Love IX

The story so far- Yaw Mensah is a wealthy and shrewd businessman who has done more than a few crazy things in the past. His daughter Angie, falls in love with a lawyer, Derek Orleans. Derek is the son of Judge Orleans who died a few years ago under mysterious circumstances. In the last Chapter,...

Money, Fame and Love VIII

The story so far - Yaw Mensah is a ruthless and wealthy businessman who has done more than a few crazy things in the past. Among his dark secrets is that he ordered the death of the late Judge Orleans. His darling daughter Angie later falls in love with Derek Orleans, a lawyer who is...

Money, Fame and Love VII

The story so far - Yaw Mensah is a ruthless and wealthy businessman who has done more than a few crazy things in the past. His daughter Angie falls in love with a young lawyer, Derek Orleans. Derek is the son of the late Judge Orleans, who died a few years ago under mysterious circumstances....

Money, Fame and Love VI

The story so far: Yaw Mensah is a wealthy and shrewd businessman who has done more than a few crazy things in the past. He is also a member of the People's Democratic Alliance. His darling daughter Angie, falls in love with a young lawyer, Derek Orleans. Let's read on to find out how the...

Money, Fame and Love V

The story so far : Yaw Mensah is a ruthless and wealthy business man who has done more than a few crazy things in the past. He is also a member of the People's Democratic Alliance. His darling daughter Angie falls in love with Derek Orleans a young lawyer. Derek is the son of Judge...

Money, Fame and Love IV

Yaw Mensah is a ruthless and wealthy business man who has done more than a few crazy things in the past. His daughter Angie, falls in love with DereK Orleans, a young lawyer. Derek is the son of the late Judge Orleans, who died a few years ago under mysterious circumstances. In the last Chapter,...

Money, Fame and Love III

Chapter Three The story so far: Dear Reader, today we continue our story Money, Fame and Love from where we left off. Last time, we were introduced to Derek Orleans, the young lawyer whom Angie Mensah is interested in. 'Yes this is Mrs Serwaa Mensah, the voice on the other side of the phone replied. 'I'm...

Money, Fame and Love II

The story so far: Dear Reader, today we continue our story Money, Fame and Love from where we left off. Last time, we were introduced to Yaw Mensah, the main character in the story who also is a ruthless and wealthy business man; to Ms Brew his secretary and to Chris Parker, an executive of...