Youtube videos

Nurturing Intimacy in Marriage

Dr John Cuber has defined intimacy as the mystical bond of friendship, understanding and commitment that almost defies explanation. This happens when a man and a woman starting out as single individuals fuse into a single unit. In this video, our speakers, Rev Arnold Hammond and Mrs Elizabeth Hammond explain the four levels of intimacy in marriage...

Spirit-led Parenting

"Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children. Now I have six children and no theories". John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain...

ghanian gosple music

Interview with Kofi Owusu Peprah

Kofi Owusu Peprah - His Faith, Family and Journey in Music. Kofi Owusu Peprah is an up and rising Gospel musician on the Ghanaian music scene. His hit songs include Big God, Amen and The Father's Gift ('Matwen'). Check out this interview he gave Floodlightdaily. Click on the link in the descriptive section of the video to...

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4 Temperaments & their Characteristics

Husbands and wives are basically incompatible. Parents are incompatible with their children. God made us all different. That is why the home is God's classroom to shape us into mature people - Catherine Marshall author of Meeting God at Every Turn. In this video you would discover the four major temperaments, their strengths and weaknesses and...