Milk Cravings

Milk Cravings

as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

I Peter 2:2-3 NKJV

Milk is a major source of food in many countries around the world. It could be a stand-alone drink or an accompaniment during breakfast. I remember my first experience with breastfeeding as a first mum. I was twenty- seven years old and mother to a baby girl born a few days shy of my birthday. In the first few days, she could be fussy during breastfeeding and this got me exasperated. Nevertheless, her attitude gives me some practical insight into the focal scripture here.

This verse reminds us that our eagerness to read God’s Word should be like a baby’s craving for milk. There are so many things calling for our attention today. It could be deadlines at work, bills that need to be paid, an ageing parent we must care for, or time for our children, spouse, and friends, the list is endless. However, if we are to grow as Christians, we can only do so by desiring the pure milk of God’s Word.

In today’s fast-paced society, many would prefer listening to podcasts, audio or video sermons on YouTube, etc. to spending personal time in God’s Word. In as much as these are good places to go to, the primary place to grow our faith should be times of reflection spent with our Master Jesus, meditating on His Word. Like the Believers at Berea, we must search the scriptures to know if what we are hearing from other sources is true (Acts 17:11).

1 Peter is a letter from the apostle Peter, originally written for Jewish Christians throughout Asia Minor who were persecuted. The essence of this epistle was to bring them hope and encouragement. The situation the believers faced then is perhaps no different from that of many Christians today. Amid the brokenness and despair that looms around us, we can turn to God’s Word daily to find hope and comfort.


Reflection – How can you make more time to read God’s Word?

Prayer – Lord help me crave your Word as a baby craves milk.

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