Winning the Battle Against Sin

Winning the Battle Against Sin

There is nothing more frustrating than a Christian trying to fight sin. I used to fight sin as a young Christian. The sad reality about those futile fights was that they never got me any rewards, except depression. My favorite Bible quotation then, James:4:7. “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” couldn’t help me because I lacked in-depth knowledge. If I managed to resist one sinful act, I would reward myself with a dozen. As a young Christian growing up, Bible studies or going to church could not stop me from watching pornographic movies or fornication.

The truth was that I always came back to ask for forgiveness, but only to repeat the same sin the following minute, day or week.

I listened to several pastors, researched topics like: “How to stop watching pornography or how to stop fornication” I read all kinds of brilliant articles, but none was able to save me.

One day, out of nowhere, an idea dropped in my head. I felt the need to get closer to God. I had already given up the fight against sin, but I felt an irresistible need to get closer to God no matter what.

I started reading the Bible, meditating on what I read, and spending time thinking about the greatness of God and salvation. The least opportunity I had, I spent it thinking about the love of God towards me.

Today, I see the importance of James 4:7 more than before. It has the substance the believer needs, but only after the believer is equipped with in-depth knowledge of God.

Nowadays, I can’t do without prayers. Slowly, I lost interest in pornography, formication and other vices. It worked for me. I hope it can work for you too.

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Comments (11)

  • Richil Mawuenyega Reply

    This is a good story. Jesus our Redeemer. Fellowship with God unleashes unexpected blessings, one of which includes resistance to sin or lack of interest in evil. What a better place the world would be if Jesus was at the centre.

    August 22, 2020 at 7:09 am
    • Gift Reply

      Excellent approach and I will always the same way. Bkess u much for sharing and give us the tips to overcome.

      August 22, 2020 at 1:25 pm
    • Mirabel Reply

      Very practical lesson.
      Thanks for sharing

      August 29, 2020 at 5:18 pm
  • Selinam Reply

    Great. Short and inspiring. How did you overcome the urge to watch porn, etc whiles you tried getting closer to God. Definitely there were times that temptation came??
    For me one of my favorite verse is we are made righteous through faith through Christ Jesus. Romans 3:22, Romans 3:19-27, we are not righteous by our works lest we boast

    August 22, 2020 at 10:48 am
    • Christopher Klove Reply

      Brilliant analyses. You couldn’t have said it any better.

      August 23, 2020 at 4:19 pm
  • Mabel Adjei Mintah Reply

    To put God first and restore myself to him is what motivates me most through prayer. Am working to feed myself with prayers cos i always feel something new in me any time i pray and communicate with God.

    August 22, 2020 at 11:43 am
    • Christopher Klove Reply

      Very good advice there. The concept of sin is very old and a serious issue for Christians so this topic comes handy.

      I wish the author could share more examples especially in different aspects besides pornographic addiction and formation.

      Good job.

      August 22, 2020 at 1:19 pm
  • Gift Reply

    Excellent approach in sharing and showing us the way to overcome. I will definitely use the same way. Bless u much.

    August 22, 2020 at 1:26 pm
  • Richeal Reply

    I guess the key thing is r
    Which means it must start with the individual.


    August 22, 2020 at 2:11 pm
  • Doreen Reply

    Thank you and God bless you for this advice

    August 23, 2020 at 8:25 am
  • Sue Afutu Reply

    Great testimony, truly when we turn to God we realise that He has been facing us all this while.

    October 18, 2020 at 7:45 am

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