
Articles on Christian parenting, relationships and nurturing family relationships.

Learning to Love – postscript

The question that may be on the minds of many after reading Learning to Love (I - III)  is whether Meg did the right thing by staying in her marriage or whether she should have walked away a long time ago. The Bible has given Christians the grounds for divorce which is adultery. But it...

Learning to Love III

An Interview with Mrs. Margaret Sackey –a marriage counsellor (continued from last week) Her take on love in marriages?  In the first few years of marriage, especially for those who marry in their twenties and thirties, the focus is on physical intimacy, attraction etc. However as you grow older, the focus shifts from just the two...

Learning to Love II

An interview with Mrs. Margaret Mensah - a marriage counsellor Continued from last week Jesus in the Boat Meg's newfound relationship with Christ marked a new chapter in her life. She became committed to church activities. Some years after accepting Christ, she went into full-time Christian ministry. Her work involved encouraging people going through difficult moments, speaking to...

Learning to Love I

We all marry with the best of expectations for our marriages. However some marriages go sour along the way; this may be because one partner becomes uncommitted to the union. What do you do when that happens? Let's read on to glean some insights from Margaret's story. An interview with Mrs. Margaret Mensah  (a marriage...

Understanding the Times

of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command; I Chronicles 12:32 NKJV The COVID pandemic that struck the globe this year has tested the pulses of leaders across the world - from presidents,...

Enjoying Life Together

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honour to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7 NKJV How can a couple enjoy life together? The Bible gives blueprints on how this can be achieved. In...

Working from Home; Memoirs

"Redeeming the time because the days are evil". Ephesians 5: 16 COVID-19 brought in its wake a total or partial lock down in many countries around the globe. In areas where there was no lock down, there were restrictions on public gathering and social distancing became the new normal. As a result schools were closed, churches...

A Letter to my Fellow Women – Have you Had your Adjustment (II)?

Dear woman, I am writing this letter to you because I walk the same path that you do. As they say, marriage is the only institution where you are awarded a certificate before the exam. Some of you reading this letter, have already received this certificate and are in various stages of answering the examination questions. Thankfully,...